Break the Bank vs. Cheapskate {Cask Lidded Basket}

While strolling through Pottery Barn a few weeks ago, I came across a gorgeous, large, lidded basket.  I immediately knew that I wanted it to use as a side table for sitting area space between my kitchen and living room.  Even though it was on sale, it still came out to be around $150 and that was just not in my budget for a glorified basket!  I went on my way but still really wanted it.  I loved the hardware on it and the details, plus it was something different and different is good!

Fast forward to the next day...I stopped into Tuesday Morning to see what new items they had and couldn't believe what I saw the minute I stepped into the store!  A basket that was very similar to the PB one, only $100+ less!  I grabbed it and the rest is history.  I am still looking for the perfect chair for that area and cannot wait to get that space completed so I can share it with you!

Break the Bank:
Pottery Barn Cask Basket


Tuesday Morning Lidded Basket

Break the bank vs Cheapskate: pretty similar!

Not to shabby for $100+ of savings! 

I adore these inspiration photos and how others used baskets in their rooms...

Source: unknown via pinterest

Source: esme-styling

Source: Villa Vanilla

Source: Red Door Home
I cannot wait to finish up my space!
Hope you are having a great week!

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