The sweet Rebekah, owner of A Blissful Nest, was kind enough to offer up one of her adorable desk calendars to one of my lucky readers! I have this calendar and I love it. The size is perfect for a desk, the designs are swoon worthy and it comes with the cutest, gold easel! Mine is sitting on my desk now waiting for January to come along!
I mean, look at these designs...gorgeous! She also offer the refill pages so you can reuse the adorable easel year after year!

I tried to decide what my favorite design was, but it is a toss up of several....
Click HERE if you cannot wait another minute and want to order your desk calendar now!
Wouldn't these make perfect Christmas gifts!? I sure think so!
Alright, now is your turn to enter our giveaway, see below for details!
Winner will be announced next Tuesday on this post!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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