An amazing charity and a fabulous giveaway!

Words cannot describe how excited I am for this post!  Lauren, the founder of Beds 4 Kids, contacted me awhile back and shared her charity's mission with me. I absolutely adore her and what she is doing!  Here is her story and how her charity came to be....(get the tissues out because it is a tear jerker)...

  "Beds4Kids was founded on this thought – “If I die today, where did I leave my mark? How will I be remembered?” A little harsh, right? But it is a thought that we should all try to process. I was only 18 at the time this thought began to haunt me. I couldn’t shake it. So, I did the only thing I knew to do. Pray.
A few weeks later, I went to see a movie with some friends, “The Blindside.” You may have seen, or heard of it. Little did I know walking in to the theater that my life was about to be changed. Forever. The whole movie is very moving, makes you want to help, be a better person, etc, etc. But, there was one particular part that hit me like a ton of bricks! This is just a brief breakdown of the scene, but the well to do Tuohy family in the movie adopts the less fortunate Michael Oher. They prepared a bedroom for him in their home. Full of stuff that most all kids today have. TV’s, game systems, desk, bed, etc. Normal stuff right? When they show him his new room he says to them, “I’ve never had one of these before.” They ask him, “A room?” And Michael says, “No. A bed.”  At that moment I felt the tears begin to fall, and I knew that I was supposed to ensure that many kids as humanly possible had a bed to sleep in.
I won’t bore you with all the details, but let’s just say thanks to God, my family, and mentors, who began Beds4Kids. A nonprofit organization providing beds to kids and teens in need.
This is how my story began, and this is how I plan to leave my mark on our world. Where will YOURS start?"
~Lauren G
I will be the first one to admit that it is easy to take for granted the fact that my daughters both have warm, cozy beds that I get to tuck them into every night.  I absolutely love Lauren's idea and was so excited when she contacted me to collaborate with her on her next project!  

In order to take Beds 4 Kids to the next level and bring in money to support her cause, Lauren came up with another amazing idea...THROW.

THROW = "Together Helping Reach Our World."

From their website:
  "THROW is a pillow company that is changing the world. We create more than just pillows. We create dreams. With each pillow sold we are helping provide a bed to a child in need, giving these kids a place to sleep tight and dream big!
The future starts in your dreams, so dream big!"

You can check out their website by clicking HERE!  Make sure and follow them on Instagram to keep up with their latest designs by clicking HERE!

Here area few designs from the always growing collection, custom designs are also available:

How fun are those pillows...and that is just a small sample of them!

Lauren was so sweet and offered to make a custom THROW pillow for each of my girls.  It took me weeks to research the quotes I wanted to use but I came up with the perfect quotes that fit their personalities.  I sent Lauren the quotes and sent her pictures of the color schemes in my girl's room and she did the rest.  I knew the finished product would be amazing but when I received them, I was speechless! These pillows will be something we treasure for years to come!

My 17 year old daughter is an avid reader, the smartest person I know, prefers a laid back lifestyle, will be leaving Texas in a little over a year to head to Colorado for college and you will never find her without headphones in her ears listening to her favorite music....

My 7 year old is a sweet soul who always cares about the needs of others first, wears her heart on her sleeve,  can usually be found drawing someone a pretty picture or card, is always twirling or skipping around the house and has the biggest heart for someone so little....

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love these pillows and the fact that I got to pick out the quotes that were perfect for my girls makes them so special to all of us!  I cannot wait to order more!

Now the fun part....GIVEAWAY time!!  Lauren wants to giveaway a customized pillow to one of you.  You get to pick the quote and work with her to create a one of a kind pillow just for you!  How amazing is that!  See the Rafflecopter entry box below to enter.  Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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